Winner – Fairbrother Construction
Lion Dairy & Drinks Cheese Operations Blue Lagoon
Fairbrother Construction are continually improving their environmental footprint and the Blue Lagoon project was identified during the tender process to have significant requirement for soil and water management. Given the slope of the site, poor soil conditions and the large volume of soil that was required to be excavated a soil management plan was created before works commenced. Due to the nature of the works the project was initially delayed for 3 months until fine weather could be more predictable as ground conditions were a large challenge.
Fairbrother used a range of soil and water management techniques like setting up no go zones to keep machines out of vegetated areas, setting up a washdown station to clean any machines entering and leaving the site, construction of swale drains to divert surface water away from the site and a large bunded area for refuelling.
A new gravel access road to the site was installed early to prevent machines or cars from spreading any dirt onto Old Surrey Rd while a sediment fence was constructed along the entire boundary of the lagoon embankment to reduce any run-off. All of these measures which were put into place before and during construction and maintained on a regular basis which has earned Fairbrother Construction the award for Soil & Water Management for 2019.