Showground Development to Provide Housing Supply Where It’s Needed

Master Builders’ commends the Liberal Party’s pledge today to provide $42 million to support the Hobart Showground Master Plan. This brings both major parties together in backing a crucial project that will deliver much needed affordable housing where it’s needed.

Master Builders Tasmania Executive Director, Matthew Pollock said: “Backing this Plan will unlock significant private investment and help boost the supply of affordable housing supply. Master Builders is calling on the major parties to make housing and homeownership a key issue this election.

“Projects like this will play an increasingly important role in sustaining our economic recovery. Building an adequate stock of housing, across the spectrum of housing needs must form a central part of any future governments plan to secure our State’s future.

“At the ballot box on May 1 it is worth considering who will better keep the Australian dream of homeownership alive?

“Who has the better plan to give more Tasmanians the opportunity to benefit from the long term, social and economic benefits that come with homeownership?” Mr Pollock said.


For further comment contact Matthew Pollock (m) 0409 815 731

Author: MudaPtyLtd