Statement by Mr Matthew Pollock – Executive Director – Master Builders Tasmania

During the election campaign, Master Builders Tasmania is keeping a close eye on the promises made by Labor and the Liberals on behalf of Tasmania’s 20,000 tradies.

It is vital both major parties had clear policies to help Tasmania recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Master Builders Tasmania is apolitical and wants to see a genuine contest of ideas this election.

We want to make sure that both parties are putting forward policies that will support the 20,000 tradies in Tasmania.  That includes policies that will create a clear pipeline of work, support and increase the capacity of our workforce and deliver better services and infrastructure.  Policies that do that will pass the tradie test and get our tick of approval.

This week, Treasury will release a pre-election budget update.  This document will show exactly what shape our finances are in.  While we welcome many of the commitments made to date, we expect both parties to also show how they would pay for what they’ve promised.

*The 2018-19 Budget included $1.39 billion worth of election commitments made by the Liberals during the 2018 campaign.*

Master Builders Tasmania is tracking both Labor and Liberal election commitments and will release its summary weekly.  The summary for week two of the campaign is attached below and is based on the information provided on each party’s website.  It is correct as of 8am today.

*The 2018-19 Budget covered the four financial years between 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022.  A number of the commitments made in 2021 campaign to date cover significantly longer timeframes.*

Author: MudaPtyLtd