During the election campaign, Master Builders Tasmania is keeping a close eye on the promises made by Labor and the Liberals on behalf of Tasmania’s 20,000 tradies.

Tradies want to see a clear future for the building and construction sector as part of the election promises.

Regardless of which party forms government after the election, Tasmania will be in for a building boom, which is great news for tradies.

While the count may or may not go down to the wire, one thing is for sure, the community and the building industry specifically has a lot to look forward to regardless of the result.

The real challenge for the next government will be to deliver on all their commitments on time and as promised.  Both parties have released significant detail on their plans, which means that they should be able to hit the ground running if elected.

The policy summary below is based on the information provided on each party’s website.  It is correct as at 11am today.

Election commitment tracker – based on policies published on each party’s respective website

For further comment contact Matthew Pollock (m) 0409 815 731

Author: MudaPtyLtd