Flexibility in HomeBuilder Must be an Election Priority

Statement by Mr William Clennett – General Manager – Clennett’s Mitre 10

Mr Matthew Pollock – Executive Director – Master Builders Tasmania

Master Builders is calling on both major parties to make HomeBuilder more flexible as a first priority following May 1.

Master Builders Tasmania Executive Director, Matthew Pollock said: “Supply disruptions caused by COVID, geopolitical issues and bushfires may cause people to miss out on receiving the HomeBuilder grant if flexibility is not granted beyond the 6 month commencement timeframe.

“These are issues beyond the control of the builder and home buyer and that should not be cause to withhold $45,000 from people hoping to build their dream home.

“Builders are working around the clock to overcome these challenges. They are going above and beyond for their clients. Our suppliers are doing every they can to meet demand. But the lack of access to materials is outside the control of industry.

“The Premier wrote to the Federal Housing Minister requesting amendments to ensure Tasmanians don’t miss out.

“Industry is calling on both major parties to commit to making HomeBuilder more flexible by passing legislation at the first opportunity following May 1.” Mr Pollock said.

Clennett’s Mitre 10 General Manager, William Clennett said: “the Australian market is set to experience a worsening stock position as global demand increases and international shipping remains limited in terms of capacity”

“Over the last 6 months we have observed a surge in new home sales worldwide as governments have sought to provide stimulus to their respective economies.  It is not common to find a booming housing market in all states of Australia (at one time) let alone globally.

“We estimate that current demand in Southern Tasmania for timber & building products sits 30% higher than the same period last year whilst supply remains around similar volumes to last year.

“Whilst we continue to work diligently to build additional supply lines there are going to be instances of project delays. Mr Clennett said.


For comment contact Matthew Pollock 0409 815 731.


Author: MudaPtyLtd