This three-and-a-half-hour program includes the Introduction to Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace program. It is specifically designed to empower managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage workers presenting with issues pertaining to mental health and/or mental illness.
By the end of this training participants will be able to:
Ability to identify issues pertaining to mental health in staff
Ability to effectively manage a mentally healthy workplace
Ability to seek and/or provide support for people with mental health and well-being issues.
Key Topics
Duty of care, policies and procedures pertaining to mental health
The role of a manager with regard to mental health
Differences between performance management and mental health support
Managing boundaries effectively
Primary Objectives
To support the development of mentally healthy and supportive workplaces
To delineate the difference between mental health issues and mental illness
To provide activities that enhance active listening, rapport building and identification of issues with
To assist managers to work collaboratively with their staff to improve their mental health
To provide a framework that enables managers to take appropriate action and identify appropriate pathways of referral.