BIG ADVOCACY WIN – $1.2 Billion Extension Apprentice Wage Subsidy

As the industry which employs more apprentice and trainees than any other, the extension of the Federal Government Apprentice Wage subsidy is a big win for the construction industry. We have our colleagues in the National Office to thank, with the announcement coming off the back of tireless lobby efforts calling for this extension.


Over the past 6 months the Apprentice wage subsidy has supported the employment of hundreds of new apprentices in Tasmania. Master Builders Tasmanian has helped dozens of its members to access the funding and employ new apprentices.


There’s never been a better time to employ an apprentice. The Apprentice Wage Subsidy offers a 50% subsidy for any new apprentice employed between now and September 2021.


We can help you find the right person and ensure you receive the subsidy in full. Master Builders GTO program is tailored to assist employers and apprentices in the construction industry. Our success speaks for itself, with over 90% of apprentices graduating through our program, compared to an industry average of 56%. It’s because we take care to find the right apprentice for the right employer and provide mentoring, administration and management support along the way.


Call us to help you find the right person for your business.


For comment contact Matthew Pollock 0409 815 731.

Listen as Mr Matthew Pollock Executive Director of Master Builders Tasmania talks to ABC Northern Tasmania Breakfast with Belinda King.

Author: MudaPtyLtd