The Liberal Government has pledged to meet two key Master Builders policy priorities today giving more support for small businesses and helping to address current chokepoints in the construction industry.
The biggest challenge for the incoming government will be the transition from stimulus to an economy that is again driven by business and consumers.
Stimulus that unlocks private investment is very effective. Every $1 spent in construction will support $3 in broader economic activity.
Doubling the Community Building Projects Support Program will unlock $100 million in direct construction activity, create 700 jobs and support $300 million in broader economic activity.
Adding an extra $5 million to lower headworks costs will help unlock land, shovel ready for construction. The first step in building affordable housing is access to more abundant affordable land.
To read the full policy click on the link https://tas.liberal.org.au/news/2021/04/26/supporting-tasmanian-small-businesses-20-million-investment-package